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Supply chain management

Revolutionize your supply chain
Increase efficiency, reduce costs, secure competitive advantages.

For IQX, supply chain management means achieving the highest level of performance, efficiency and effectiveness in all aspects of managing the flow of goods, services, information and finances from the point of origin of raw materials to consumption/use by the end customer.

The IQX team includes a pool of experts to ensure all the necessary success factors for implementing an optimal supply chain system.

Your contact:

Franz Nigitz

+43 664 750 344 39
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We define efficiency in the supply chain as ensuring that suppliers' processes are optimized with regard to waste - and that the potential for reducing costs and optimizing the use of resources is jointly leveraged.
⦁ Cost engineering for supplier products (DFA, DFM)
⦁ Cost reduction programs at suppliers
⦁ Optimization of transport containers
⦁ Optimization of transport costs
⦁ Introduction of important control variables for suppliers


Supply chain reliability is based on ensuring transparency, quality and timeliness in the delivery of products or services.
⦁ Excellent scheduling to minimize inventories (process to suppliers, digitalization of interfaces with suppliers, batch size optimization, ...)
⦁ Optimally trimmed system for order processing and production planning
⦁ Optimization of physical and digital warehousing
⦁ Optimum alignment of the ERP with procurement, Transport and internal logistics requirements
⦁ Value stream design
⦁ Efficient goods acceptance
⦁ Production-oriented replenishment and queuing processes with regard to material to the workplaces
⦁ Safe handling of suspicious materials / scrap
⦁ Capable system for handling all introduced changes to the product and process


The flexibility of a supply chain is primarily driven by empowering the employees involved so that they can quickly adapt to changes in demand, supply chain interruptions, market conditions or regulatory requirements.

  • Shop floor management for SCM
  • SCM control variable system
  • Introduction of lean logistics methods
  • Team organization in logistics
  • Team meetings in logistics

Collaboration with suppliers

Collaboration between suppliers and customers is primarily defined by building strong relationships in order to constantly improve control and communication throughout the entire supply chain.

  • Target & feedback system for suppliers (joint target agreements, transparent supplier rating)
  • Transparent system for placing inquiries and negotiating offers
  • Consistent contract management with suppliers
  • Efficient management to handle incorrectly delivered products and services
  • Highly effective claims management
  • Preventive task force management for suppliers (quality problems, delivery bottlenecks, ...)


The further development of the supplier map is a MUST in order to be able to cover the price expectations of its customers in the long term. This requires continuous consideration regarding the introduction of new technologies for the production of supplies, strategies for optimizing the supplier map and increasing digitization/automation of processes between suppliers and customers.

  • Strategies for optimizing the supplier map
  • Development of global sourcing strategies
  • Re-locations plans and implementations
  • Optimization of supplier map according to quality / delivery reliability / transport costs / sustainability
  • Further development of manufacturing technologies to reduce costs
  • Tool – Management
  • Automation of routines between suppliers and customers (calls, complaints, financial flows, ...)


    Risk management

    Perfect supply chain management is based primarily on the preventative identification, assessment and mitigation of risks in order to minimize the effects of interruptions in the supply chain.

    • Logistics FMEA (transport, containers, technology, quality, ...)
    • Active supplier quality assurance during product development
    • Well-founded acceptance and release processes (sampling, performance tests, ...)
    • Financial risk management to suppliers


    As part of the “European Sustainability Reporting Standards – Scope 3”, the inclusion of ecological, social and ethical considerations in supply chain practices to reduce environmental impact is mandatory. This means that ecological and social responsibility must be assumed in the supply chain and the legal goals must be continuously approached.

    • Ensuring the correct CO2 footprint calculation for suppliers -> Implementation of continuous, automated information from suppliers
    • Setup for automated reporting of the “Non Financial Report” by all relevant suppliers
    • Risk analyzes in the supplier map with regard to social and ecological uncertainties in the supply chain -> preventive avoidance of massive claims by your own customers or legal representatives